bpb Freeware Studio: Best Free FM Synthesizer VSTi/AU Plugins


bpb Freeware Studio: Best Free FM Synthesizer VSTi/AU Plugins

Continuing the search for the best freeware synths, this time on bpb Freeware Studio it’s all about the best free FM synthesizers for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Follow the links for screenshots & download info:

  • Dexed by Digital Suburban (Linux, Mac, Windows)
  • DX10 by mda (Mac, Windows)
  • EmulTuition by Solcito Música (Windows)
  • FEM 1 by miniSoftMusic (Windows)
  • Foorius by dmi@smartelectronix (Windows)
  • FMMF by de la Mancha (Windows)
  • Ganymed by Stefan Kuhn (Windows)
  • Hexter by CuteVST (Linux, Windows)
  • ModMod by whitebox (Windows)
  • Oxe FM by Oxe Music Software (Windows)
  • Purple2 by OdoSynths (Windows)
  • Stochaton by Eigentone Research (Mac)
  • Uno FM by XSynth (Windows)
  • Vivaldi MX by Stefan Kuhn (Windows)
  • VOPM by Sam (Linux, Mac, Windows)
  • VX7 by SpeedSoft (Windows)

After a long while, OdoSynths plugins are back online, so I’ve added his fantastic Purple2 free FM synthesizer to the list. Also, many thanks to our reader Olivier for sending the SpeedSoft VX7 download link!

FMMF by de la Mancha.

FMMF by de la Mancha.

de la Mancha’s FMMF is the newest one, reaching 3rd place in the KVR Developer Challenge 2009. It’s a 4 operator FM synth, easy to use, well designed and stable! I couln’t find any presets for it online, but it’s fairly simple to use and make new sounds with – a great synth to start learning FM synthesis.

Hexter by CuteVST.

Hexter by CuteVST.

The fact that it’s not the prettiest looking synth the world, doesn’t prevent Hexter from being an amazingly powerful free FM synthesizer. But what makes this little synth so great is the fact that it can actually load Yamaha DX7 patches via SysEx! Click here to download some of those.

VOPM by Sam.

VOPM by Sam.

Sam’s VOPM is an emulation of Yamaha’s YM2151 chip – famous for being used in the Sega Genesis console. Anyway, here’s the awesome part – it can load the sounds from almost any Sega game ever made – from Sonic to Castlevania! Click here to learn how it’s done!

Oxe FM by Oxe Music Software.

Oxe FM by Oxe Music Software.

Another one I really like using is Oxe FM, a great 8 operator FM synth made by Oxe Music Software. If you’re into classic 80’s sounds, Ann Banks is the place for you.

If simple is your game, check out DX10 by mda – nice sounding, simple and lightweight freeware emulation of Yamaha’s DX series. It’s also included in Image Line’s FL Studio as Fruity DX10. Here’s a DX10 demo video by gearwire:

Check out the other synths on the list too and please suggest your favorite free FM synths in the comments section below. Support BPB by sharing links to this article on your blog, Facebook, Twiter and your favorite forums! Thanks!


This article is part of the bpb Freeware Studio series. Each article in the series features a selection of the best freeware VST instruments/effects, or other audio related software in a certain category. Feel free to suggest your own favorites in the comments section below. Enjoy!

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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. ConcreteFX’s “Feed” is a little known freeware 3Op FM synth that is seriously good fun. The dev, Jon Ayres, went on to code Rob Papen’s BLUE synth that also does a good bit of FM.

    • bedroom producers blog


      if only i could find a legal download location for Odo’s synths somewhere… his website is down and i can’t find his FM synths in the Web Archive.

  2. Máximo G. Parisi


    Thank you for all the reviews and for gathering everything in one site. It is great and I’ m downloading almost every program I see.

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