Comments on: Extract Vocals For FREE Using LALAL.AI’s AI-Based Technology Freeware for music producers! Sat, 24 Jul 2021 20:02:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: QF Sat, 24 Jul 2021 20:02:10 +0000 I have a general question; are the plans per month or per year? Or in total?

By: PureFire Fri, 16 Jul 2021 19:10:14 +0000 I tried this today & i was very happy with the result i got (i used the mild setting) Just awesome from what i hear so far, thank you LALAL AI 👍 Thanks Jamie M & Brenny C too, i have to try Spleeter too.]]> Wow, thanks so much James, Tomislav & BPB, hope you keeping well.
it’s nice to know, as i never knew about this service, thanks very much for sharing 😊

I tried this today & i was very happy with the result i got (i used the mild setting)
Just awesome from what i hear so far, thank you LALAL AI 👍

Thanks Jamie M & Brenny C too, i have to try Spleeter too.

By: Brenny C Tue, 13 Jul 2021 07:27:47 +0000 In reply to Jamie M..

This seems easier to use than Spleeter. Just my humble opinion of course.

By: joshmelo Mon, 12 Jul 2021 17:19:58 +0000 I just tested this on one of my own tracks I’m working on with a client. She a female vocalist, the track is heavy with other elements, guitars, plenty of drum work.

All I can say is holllly crap. I did not at all expect it to do this good of a job. This stuff is pure magic.

By: Jamie M. Mon, 12 Jul 2021 16:15:54 +0000 like spleeter!
always nice having more of these tools around, despite as spleeter always works quite well anyway
