Cableguys have introduced the Cableguys Bundle which contains the latest versions of Curve, FilterShaper and VolumeShaper. The bundle is available for purchase at a 30% discount price (EUR 129/USD 174) until March 1st.
Note that all the plugins are now fully AU compatible, and have recently been updated with built-in undo/redo functionality.
Now, with all effects updated, we feel it’s time for a Cableguys Bundle, containing the latest versions of Curve, FilterShaper and VolumeShaper. Until March 1st, you can get the Cableguys Bundle for a special introductory price of EUR 129/USD 174! If you already own one of our products, you have the time-limited option of upgrading to the Cableguys bundle until March 1st, which gives you an even bigger discount.
Click here to read my FilterShaper2 review.
Click here for more info about VolumeShaper.
Click here for more info about Curve.
Click here to check out Pancake, a freeware VST/AU plugin that allows you to create flexible pan modulations using custom waveforms.
Get The Cableguys Bundle: click here
Cableguys Website: click here