MuVerb, A Freeware Reverb VST By Mutools


I’ve mentioned several times how much I like using MuLab, a modular DAW developed by Mutools.

MuVerb is a freeware reverb VST plugin by Mutools.

MuVerb is a freeware reverb VST plugin by Mutools.

Apart from the modularity and easy workflow, one of MuLab’s strong sides are the effects that come bundled with it. Now one of those effects has been released as a freeware VST plugin and I’m quite stoked.

The current release of MuVerb is still a test version, but I’ve tested it on my machine and it performed well.

The thing with Mutools plugins is that developer concentrates much more on sound quality, rather than CPU efficiency, so you will get a somewhat higher CPU hit while using MuVerb. But as a result the sound is really good, so if you have a decent machine and need a nice sounding reverb I suggest you give this one a try.


Download MuVerb: click here
Mutools Website: click here

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About Author

Tomislav is a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief at Bedroom Producers Blog.

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