The awesome freeware Mellotron sample collection by Taijiguy has been updated with flute and cello samples. Apart from this update, several user-created Kontakt patches can now be downloaded from the official KVR topic. Here’s more info about the sample collection:
The 3 Violins and Combined Brass were sampled in 2003 from a 1973 Mellotron M400S. The String Section, Combined Choir, GC3 Brass, M300A, M300B and Woodwind 2 were sampled in 2008. The MkII Flute and Cello were sampled in 2010. The first 5 notes of the Cello were produced by a double bass, hence, the difference in sound from the rest of the notes. The tapes and frames were brand new when sampled. The 3 Violins sound is the harsher sounding MkII Violins and not the M400 violins, which are really the MkII violins with the top end rolled off. The samples were recorded “hot” with the tone control fully clockwise. This is not how M400’s are normally played. The tone control is generally set from about 1/8 to 1/3 clockwise, assuming the amplification system tones are flat. You may want to cut the top end due to the brightness of the samples. A volume pedal is a must for authentic Mellotronic dynamics. Each set of samples is about 20 megabytes.
In cased you’ve missed it, this sample collection and a few others have been mentioned in a Free Sample Shootout article dedicated to Mellotron and Harpsichord samples.
SFZ and WusikStation patches for the samples can be downloaded from this page.
Download Taijiguy Mellotron Samples: click here
Download SFZ And WS Patches: click here
onThey don’t download properly – zip archive ends prematurely.
Would be lovely to have some of these, thank you.
onhello, i know that the Taijiguy Mellotron Samples are free to download, but can we use them to create a commercial kontakt instrument? i cant seem to find and contact to ask abou this!
onsounds like you already have the best plan to find him ;)