Comments on: JD Factory releases UltimUtility, a FREE stereo signal control plugin for macOS and Windows Freeware for music producers! Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:55:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: mx Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:55:21 +0000 In reply to Bthelick.

stereo widening often sounds very different from plugin to plugin, depending on how exactly it is implemented and on the signal you are processing, sometimes its substantially different.
and comparing this for a moment it sounded better than for example pa’s stereo maker on the source material i tried it.
when comparing a1 i in the past i found that it was rather not the best sounding widener on much material in general, i compared it to several other algorithms from izotope, plugin alliance, yum, audio fb, softube and others, paid and free.
ultimutility is really a stereo-utility toolbox with phase inversion and mutes, not just the widener.
i dont see what a1 could do more, or am i missing something? as far as i see a1 has the exact same nominal features but misses phase inversion for L or R.
also ultimutility is available in aax for mac with m1 compatibility which is not usual for freebies, and i find the interface quite good for its purpose.

would you name these other free plugins that are so much better?

By: Bthelick Fri, 25 Aug 2023 02:24:55 +0000 Hard to justify the existence of this with so many other free doing more with a better interface too. Like Alex Hilton A1 stereo control.

By: mx Wed, 23 Aug 2023 23:09:20 +0000 In reply to John Obvious.

i think you are right in the sense that it is good to know the possibilities that are already there in the personal repertoire of tools and to use them in sensible ways.

but not every daw offers the same basic tools in the same ways, and sometimes it depends on personal workflows and preferences and also not everybody does the same job with a daw.

i use another plugin for the exact same purposes like ultimutility, because pro tools doesnt include a plugin or direct buttons for flipping the phase of just one side of a stereo channel. sure you could divide the track into two mono channels and flip the phase of one, but thats some more mouseclicks than my plugin and maybe i rather want to keep it one stereo track for some reasons.

nobody should get talked into needing plugins by marketing or things like that, but sometimes plugins do have a good purpose and reason which you just cannot see from your point of view, which is fine.
but a sensible person would go the easiest or most efficient or simply the best way and that is in some cases a plugin like this.

By: John Obvious Wed, 23 Aug 2023 20:14:52 +0000 Or you could just use, you know… your DAW’s basic track controls. Like a sensible person.

By: Gordon Wed, 23 Aug 2023 04:53:48 +0000 download blocked

By: mx Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:22:43 +0000 In reply to mx.

ok sorry, found out that i was logged in already, and it was showing 0$ for plugins that i own.
never noticed that before.

By: mx Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:18:39 +0000 very nice plugin, good freebie! also their paid plugins look like interesting mixing tools.


it seems that boz digital labs is giving away some plugins for free, maybe you want to have a look on their website.
right know they offer sasquatch, claps, stomps & snaps and manic compressor for 0$.
