Comments on: Inner Pitch Is A FREE Pitch Shifter By Auburn Sounds Freeware for music producers! Fri, 20 Oct 2023 17:31:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: RonWC Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:17:42 +0000 In reply to gf.

Tried to install this on my MacBook Pro (intel 2020). Validated fine in Plugin Manager but doesn’t show in track fx list. Tried rebooting to no avail. According to Auburn Sounds customer support the plugin only works with Rosetta installed. So, presumably, can’t be used on intel machines.

By: stbn Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:01:45 +0000 Congratulations to the three winners!

By: Miguel Tue, 17 Oct 2023 09:12:39 +0000 I pay a lot of attention to Dan Worral.

Parallel process multiple streams whilst tucking in heavily edited and slightly lower-volumed (and processed) secondary and parallel tracks. This technique is rather spurious, but it opens up avenues for further exploration.

When I have some money, I want to buy Andrew Huang’s new plugin. It does everything I know but much quicker and simpler. Plus, I like the dude without worshipping him too much…

By: Philipp Mon, 16 Oct 2023 19:52:47 +0000 Use a lofi recording done with a really cheap mic and twaek it using plugins in extreme settings

By: Nicolas Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:06:17 +0000 Double a mono sound, pan one left and the other one right, and pitch just one. Instant stereo :) Eventually you can automate this pitch so it evolves with time.
That, and of course saturation everywhere!

By: Tristan G. Sun, 15 Oct 2023 19:31:22 +0000 Double the guitar track to make it more dope !

By: Michael Svedberg Sun, 15 Oct 2023 16:37:05 +0000 Definetely, less is more! When for an example trying to achieve a more punchy bassline, don´t add a lot of basses, instead try to remove a couple of them and you will get a better clarity and punch.

By: Eons Sun, 15 Oct 2023 16:20:16 +0000 M/S Side-chain

By: Tamer Sun, 15 Oct 2023 15:08:37 +0000 Run a sample through the modular, depending on desired effect, process, mangle, modulate to taste. Make sure it sounds nothing like original audio, then re-record through a mixer with cool saturation. Use it on a track as is fitting for instrument, atmos, fix, or melodic or percussive element.

By: TSureal Sun, 15 Oct 2023 15:06:00 +0000 Run a sample through the modular, depending on desired effect, process, mangle, modulate to taste. Make sure it sounds nothing like original audio, then re-record through a mixer with cool saturation. Use it on a track as is fitting for instrument, atmos, fix, or melodic or percussive element.

By: Michael N Sun, 15 Oct 2023 13:31:36 +0000 Creating instruments by layering sampled sounds with synthetic sounds e.g sampled piano with a synth piano sound, and then tweaking pitch, sustain, etc on the idividual layers to taste

By: PureFire Sun, 15 Oct 2023 10:39:29 +0000 ]]> What an awesome plug-in, thank you Auburn Sounds, Tomislav BPB

Don’t forget that holding the shift key allows you to fine tune the pitch 👍
