Comments on: Plugin Boutique Offers FREE Exclusive Mixing Bundle For A Limited Time Freeware for music producers! Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:44:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: dave Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:44:14 +0000 Couldn’t find it, so much for that article…….

By: Sadly Tue, 17 Oct 2023 00:06:26 +0000 It’s gone.

By: anonymous Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:47:08 +0000 I GET

By: obo Fri, 13 Oct 2023 22:35:32 +0000 anyone who missed this (like me), Pulsar has the EQ free on their site as of now: UAD also had the compressor for free recently (article on BPB if I’m not mistaken). Stereo Savage… think you’re out of luck (until next time!). But the other EQ and compressor are really the 2 that I wanted personally.

By: djsegwon kithebeats Fri, 13 Oct 2023 15:41:29 +0000 In reply to Alex Y.

Search them out they’re there. Stereo Savage is no longer free on my end

By: Fred Fri, 13 Oct 2023 13:38:06 +0000 In reply to mx.

” they told you upfront, you just ignored the information obviously…”

NO !! ….. (nice condesending tone BTW guys ! ) …..

The point I was making is that regarding the “W459 EQ” it DID NOT say anything about a licence manager requirement (as the other two plugins indeed do).

So the FIRST time it mentioned it was part way through the installation process, and when you select “cancel” (as I don’t want yet another licence manager on my system) it THEN asks you to “reboot to complete the installation” I then uninstalled the plugin, but it clearly left a registry entry that it planned to process at the next boot up, which windows now sees as a corrupt entry. So YES it did cause my boot problem !

I am now in touch with Pulsar support directly to identify what registry entries it made, so I can delete them, and hopefully fix my boot problem.

Regarding the “unsubscribe” button, I have indeed previously ‘unsubscribed’ BUT in order to try any new plugin via Plugin Boutique, you HAVE to subscribe again !

But don’t worry, I will avoid in future – Thanks !


By: mx Thu, 12 Oct 2023 17:48:22 +0000 In reply to Fred.

plugin boutique can not be responsible for installers of other developers, and it is unlikely that an plugin installer of pulsar is responsible for booting problems of your computer.

if you read the requirements and instruction before installation you could know it all in advance – they told you upfront, you just ignored the information obviously…

have you ever seen the little “unsubscribe”-button at the bottom of emails?


By: Alex Y Thu, 12 Oct 2023 15:35:24 +0000 Can’t find it anymore. Must’ve gotten pulled this AM? Or am I not seeing it? Thx all.

By: Fred Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:21:18 +0000 Nightmare – Didn’t try the two that need ilok (I have it installed, but as other have said it’s a pain), but thought I’d give the W459 a go.


Part way through the installation of W459 it says I need to download and install some other licence manage !!! FFS (sadly I didn’t take note of the name of it).

Chose no, and then it says I need to reboot to complete the install.

Already lost interest, so I uninstalled it.

Today (next boot up) my PC won’t start, main C: drive corrupt !

Now that I remember, the last time I tried something via Plugin Boutique I had all sort of problems. I should have learned !

I now have a big notice on my wall that says “NEVER EVER USE Plugin Boutique !!”

OK I understand that plugin developers want to protect their software, BUT …… any developer that DOES NOT tell you of the need to install a licence manager UNTIL part way through the installation is NOT to be trusted.

Oh, and from previous experience, once they have your email address, Plugin Boutique will bombard you with junk promo emails.

By: Dirk Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:18:21 +0000 iloke and the download “eko-systems” are a ******-up Money-System.
But the Pulsar Audio’s W495 EQ and the LA-2A are nice and I have ilok to use some older plugs (Exclibur, PhonixVerb) and the Vienna Symphonic Library! I love my Exponential Audio Reverbs! So I need to use ilok.

By: Olaf Tryggvasson Wed, 11 Oct 2023 22:20:56 +0000 thank you for the heads up!

By: Wing Yee Wed, 11 Oct 2023 19:57:36 +0000 Thanks!
